Tuesday, May 17, 2011

pink parcel

I totally snaped at the kids this afternoon. They were not listening, laying on the carpet like they were in their lounge rooms, calling out and in general driving me crazy. I was having a decent day today untill the last session. It was a shame we had to end the day like that. I've been as sick as they come lately as well so that wouldn't of helped either.

I had a high fever last Tuesday - that didnt go away till Sunday morning... I took Thursday and Friday off work to recover only to develop a throat infection. Needless to say, my weekend was filled with cough lollies, tea, panadol, and hours upon hours of playing angry birds while snuggled up in my electric blanket in bed. I started feeling slightly better yesterday, but after my psycho teacher moment with the kids this afternoon, I'm not so sure anymore.

However I was pleasantly surprised to come home to find a tiny little pink parcel waiting for me. Oh how I love receiving parcels! At first I was a bit confused - I didn't remember ordering anything recently... but then as I began to open the box I remembered. I won a giveaway only a week or so ago - it was a silver ASOS cross ring and it fits me like a glove!

As I've been quite ill of late, outfit posts have been out of the question. So instead I took some random photos around the house this afternoon for your enjoyment.

If you havent entered my giveaway - you can do so HERE.
I'll be drawing the winner in the evening of the 18th May


  1. I have those crazy psycho teacher moments about 5 times a session... Mine are nutso this year. Hope you are feeling better soon babe xxx

  2. Sorry for the crazy moments at school. The ring is absolutely fabulous!Love it!


    PS: Thank you for commenting! I almost cried too! Love your blog and I will follow!

  3. AnonymousMay 17, 2011

    Sorry you've not been well and I hope your week improves. At least you got a lovely parcel to cheer you up.

  4. AnonymousMay 17, 2011

    Love that ring!!!

    Hope you're feeling better lady bug, everyone has their days. xox

  5. thank you for stopping by and for your lovely comment! :)

    i love that ring btw :D

  6. I love getting packages in the mail and surprise that are waiting inside! They truly brighten my day! And it looks like you got quite a lot of wonderful things in this pink parcel. xx

  7. glad you like it and it looks fab! xxx

  8. OOOOH! love that ring! Also love ASOS! Wahoooo!!

    Hope you are feeling much much better :) xx


  9. Ohh I want your ring! xx

  10. its ok to snap sometimes, we all do it especially when we're not feeling the best. hope you feel better soon xo

  11. awe dear, I hope you recover soon! Everyone has their bad days. What grade do you teach?

  12. Oh my gosh. Love these photos. That little rosette is fabulous. Now following.

    Hope you'll follow back!

    Ask the Duplex

  13. Dont you just love getting fun stuff in the mail. its the best.

  14. aww i love how its wrapped up so cute :)

  15. congratulations for winning the giveaway! i love the photos at home!! the fabric flower is so pretty!!
    thank u for ur comment! i am ur newest follower!! xx

  16. Congratulations! I LOVE getting mail, haha :)

  17. Omg. My hubbs was hit with the same bug a couple of weeks ago! Hope all is better now.
    I love that ring. Great buy.


  18. I hope that your feeling better. & congrats on winning the giveaway. I just love rings like that!

  19. I just love that cross ring - ahhh sooo gorgeous :D x


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